Vysokonapěťové relé
- Spínací napětí max. 6000 V/AC
- Trvalý proud max. 30 A
- Nuceně vedené kontakty
- Dva přepínací kontakty
- Pomocný kontakt / rozpínací kontakt
- Šroubové spoje
- Budicí cívka 24 VDC / 250 mA
- Poznámka: Lze objednat pouze jednou na zákazníka
- Spínací napětí max. 6000 V/AC
- Trvalý proud max. 30 A
- Kontakty s nuceným vedením
- Dva přepínací kontakty
- Pomocný kontakt / rozpínací kontakt
- Šroubové spoje
- Budicí cívka 24 VDC / 250 mA
- Spínací napětí max. 6000 VAC
- Trvalý proud max. 30 A
- Jeden přepínací kontakt
- Faston konektory 6,3 mm
- Budicí cívka 24 VDC / 200 mA
- Spínací napětí max. 6000 VAC
- Trvalý proud max. 30 A
- Dva přepínací kontakty
- Faston konektory 6,3 mm
- Budicí cívka 24 VDC / 200 mA
- Spínací napětí max. 6000 VAC
- Trvalý proud max. 30 A
- Dva přepínací kontakty
- Faston konektory 6,3 mm
- Budicí cívka 24 VDC / 70 mA
- Snížený budicí proud
- Spínací napětí max. 10000 VAC
- Trvalý proud max. 30 A
- Dva přepínací kontakty
- Připojení pomocí volných konců kabelu
- Budicí cívka 24 VDC / 200 mA
- Ochrana před náhodným dotykem částí pod napětím
- Příslušenství pro: RL 21, RL 42, RL 42-l
- Plast (průhledný)
- Montážní svorka pro uchycení na DIN lištu (včetně 4 upevňovacích šroubů)
- Příslušenství pro: RL 21, RL 42, RL 42-l
- Plast (černý)
Vysokonapěťové relé: Vše, co potřebujete vědět o funkci, aplikaci a výběru
High-voltage relays are essential components for the safe and reliable switching of high voltages. They are used in numerous applications in electrical engineering, including testing technology, industrial automation, and power electronics. With their special design, they allow for precise control of electrical circuits while ensuring the highest safety standards.
SPS electronic offers a comprehensive range of high-voltage relays, specifically developed for demanding applications. They are characterized by high voltage resistance, low leakage currents, and long service life.
What Are High-Voltage Relays?
High-voltage relays are electromechanical or electronic switches that reliably switch high voltages. Unlike conventional relays, they are designed for voltages of several kilovolts and offer optimized insulation and low contact resistance.
- Safe Separation of High-Voltage Circuits: Prevents unwanted voltage transfer.
- High Voltage Resistance: Suitable for test benches, high-voltage circuits, and industrial applications.
- Reliable Switching Function: Low losses and long life through robust contacts.
- Wide Range of Applications: Ideal for power electronics, test technology, and high-voltage circuits.
Due to their special materials and constructions, high-voltage relays are optimized for extreme requirements.
Construction and Operation of High-Voltage Relays
High-voltage relays consist of several key components that are responsible for their high performance.
- Contact Materials: Special alloys minimize wear and increase switching endurance.
- Insulation Systems: High-quality insulators prevent arcing and leakage currents.
- Housing: Robust construction provides protection from external influences and enhances safety.
- Coil Technology: Optimized magnetic circuits enable reliable switching even at high voltages.
Depending on the construction, there are different types of relays, including vacuum relays, gas-filled relays, and solid-state relays for high-voltage applications.
Applications of High-Voltage Relays
High-voltage relays are used in many areas where high voltages must be safely switched.
- Testing and Measurement Technology: In high-voltage test systems for insulation tests and safety checks.
- Power Electronics: In high-voltage circuits for controlling and protecting components.
- Medical Technology: In X-ray devices or high-voltage sources for imaging procedures.
- Energy Technology: In switchgear and transformers for controlling electrical grids.
Due to their high switching precision and reliability, high-voltage relays are indispensable in safety-critical applications.
Advantages of High-Voltage Relays from SPS electronic
The high-voltage relays from SPS electronic are specifically designed for demanding testing and switching tasks. They meet the highest safety and quality standards.
- High Voltage Resistance: Designed for voltages up to the kilovolt range.
- Long Service Life: Minimal contact wear through optimized materials.
- Low Leakage Currents: High-quality insulation reduces unwanted voltage transfer.
- Versatile Mounting Options: Adaptable to various testing and circuit requirements.
These relays are the perfect choice for industrial and technical applications where safety and performance are crucial.
High-Voltage Relays as Key Components in High-Voltage Systems
High-voltage relays play a central role in the safe switching of high voltages in testing, medical, and energy technology. They provide reliable separation of electrical circuits, long service life, and high switching precision.
With the high-voltage relays from SPS electronic, companies benefit from:
- Maximum safety in high-voltage circuits
- Reliable and precise switching technology
- Optimized performance for industrial applications
- Long-lasting and robust components
Whether in high-voltage testing or power electronics – high-voltage relays are essential for the safe and efficient switching of high voltages.