
Software pro ukládání dat a dálkové ovládání DAT 3805
  • Vhodné pro všechny typy zařízení s rozhraním SPS electronic 
  • Operační systém: Windows (aktuální verze) 
  • Filtr čárových kódů: číslo výrobku, zařízení, sériové číslo, komentář 
  • Dálkové ovládání prostřednictvím: Ethernet, USB, RS-232 
  • Jazyky: , němčina, angličtina, čínština, francouzština, holandština, italština, polština, ruština, španělština, čeština, turečtina, maďarština.
Návrh štítků LBD 18
  • Pouze ve spojení se softwarem pro ukládání dat a dálkové ovládání DAT 3805
  • Pro generování a vytváření štítků (např. pro zkušební vzorek)
  • Tiskárna není součástí dodávky
Software pro dálkové ovládání DLL 3805
  • DLL pro nezávislé ovládání všech typů zařízení s rozhraním od SPS electronic
  • Operační systém: Windows (aktuální verze)
  • Dálkové ovládání prostřednictvím: Ethernet, USB, RS-232
  • Jazyky: Angličtina
Kancelářská licence DAB 3805
  • Licence Office pro vytváření testovacích plánů a používání funkcí softwaru i bez připojeného testovacího zařízení
  • Operační systém: Windows (aktuální verze)
  • Filtr čárových kódů: číslo výrobku, zařízení, sériové číslo, komentář
  • Dálkové ovládání prostřednictvím: Ethernet, USB, RS-232
  • Jazyky: , němčina, angličtina, čínština, francouzština, holandština, italština, polština, ruština, španělština, čeština, turečtina, maďarština

Software pro měřicí a testovací zařízení

The software for measuring and testing devices plays a central role in modern testing processes. It enables the control, automation, and evaluation of test procedures while ensuring comprehensive documentation of measurement results. These specially developed software solutions are tailored to the needs of testing and measurement environments, offering numerous benefits for quality assurance and compliance with standards.

This article provides you with all the essential information about the specific applications of software in testing and measurement systems, its functions, and how it can contribute to optimizing test processes.

Function and Importance of Testing Software

Testing software is not just an additional tool, but an indispensable component in modern testing technology. It not only controls the testing process but also ensures that measurement results are precisely recorded and documented.

  • Automation of test procedures to increase efficiency 
  • Real-time data analysis and graphical representation of measurement values 
  • Integration of safety functions to ensure a safe testing environment 
  • Comprehensive documentation of testing processes and results 

The testing software ensures seamless communication between the measuring devices and the connected computer systems. It is often tailored to specific measuring devices and test stands, so all relevant parameters can be optimally captured.

Applications of Testing Software

Testing software is used in a wide variety of industries and for different testing processes. It is an essential part of the measuring and testing devices used in the following areas:

  • Electrical Engineering and Automation: Software for controlling and analyzing tests on electrical components, insulation tests, and high-voltage tests 
  • Medical Technology: Integration of software for testing devices such as surgical instruments and medical devices in compliance with standards 
  • Automotive Industry: Testing software for electrical components in vehicles, such as tests on electric motors or battery systems 
  • Aerospace: Software for conducting demanding tests on electronic components under extreme conditions 
  • Industry and Manufacturing: Software solutions for end testing and quality control of products and components in manufacturing

Important Functions of Testing Software

The specialized software solutions for testing devices offer a variety of functions that optimize the testing process. These functions enable fast, efficient, and standardized testing procedures.

  • Automation of test procedures: The software can control the entire testing process, so measurements are carried out automatically. This reduces manual effort and minimizes potential errors. 
  • Data collection and analysis: All relevant measurement values are captured and processed in real time. The software analyzes the data and presents it in an understandable, often graphical form. 
  • Creation of test reports: The software automatically generates test reports containing all relevant information about the performed tests and measurement results. These reports are essential for quality control and documentation. 
  • Integration of safety functions: Safety functions such as monitoring test conditions and the ability to immediately stop the test process in case of irregularities are essential components of the software. 
  • Fault diagnosis and system monitoring: The software offers comprehensive fault diagnosis and enables quick troubleshooting. System monitoring functions ensure that the test stand always operates properly.

Advantages of Testing Software

The use of specialized testing software for measuring and testing devices offers numerous benefits that improve both the efficiency and quality of the entire testing process.

  • Time savings through the automation of test procedures 
  • Reduction of errors through precise recording and analysis of measurement values 
  • Compliance with standards and regulations through standardized execution and documentation of tests 
  • Improved quality assurance through comprehensive documentation and analysis of test results 
  • Increased safety through the integration of safety mechanisms and the monitoring of the testing process

The Right Choice of Testing Software

The choice of the right testing software depends on several factors. It is important that the software is tailored to the specific requirements of the respective testing task.

  • Compatibility: The software must be compatible with the measuring and testing devices used and support their specific functions. 
  • User-friendliness: An intuitive user interface ensures that the testing software can be used efficiently and that the operator can quickly navigate through it. 
  • Scalability: The software should be extendable to integrate future requirements and new testing standards. 
  • Compliance with standards: It should ensure compliance with all relevant standards and regulations and document them if necessary.

Testing Software for Precise and Automated Testing Processes

Testing software is an indispensable tool for modern measuring and testing devices. It optimizes the entire testing process, from automating test procedures to precisely analyzing measurement results. Through the integration of safety functions and automatic documentation, efficiency and safety are significantly enhanced.

Opt for high-quality testing software that is perfectly suited to your measuring and testing devices to optimize the testing process, minimize errors, and comply with legal requirements.